


Schimbul de bune practici si transferul de expertiză privind incluziunea si ocuparea persoanelor disponibilizate din institutii ale sistemului de aparare, ordine publica si siguranta nationala…

Identificarea bunelor practici si schimbul de experientă privind adaptarea formării profesionale la noile tehnologii – utilizarea retelelor publice si private de calculatoare pentru dezvoltarea invatamantului continuu si vocational pentru adulti la distanta.

Dezvoltarea si sustinerea programelor comune pentru promovarea ocupării in randul persoanelor disponibilizate din institutii ale sistemului de aparare, ordine publica si siguranta nationala.


SECURITY AND JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CENTER – CAISJ (http://caisj.ro) is a Bucharest based nongovernmental, non-profit, apolitical organization set up as a private legal person, operating under the provisions of Romanian applicable law and its own statute. 

Established in 2008, CAISJ aims to promote scientific research studies in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP), circumscribed areas of responsibilities in order to implement policies and security strategies, public social security programs, as a response to the contemporary asymmetric threats endangering life, health, physical and mental integrity, property and other human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Starting with early 2011 CAISJ had earned the official status of vocational training provider. At the same time we have been involved in standardization of Romanian labor market. CAISJ is the initiator and the main contributor at establishment and official recognition process for “Security Manager” occupational standard. In this respect we are first vocational training center for adults which made this standard operational by holding authorized training courses for 180 persons.

After successfully conducted two regional projects (http://caisj.ro/proiecte/)co-financed by The European Social Fund in accordance to The Sector Operational Program Human Resources Development (SOPHRD) 2007-2013 priority axis 5- promoting active employment measures ( http://www.fseromania.ro ) we are now seeking to develop a partnership with an adult education provider – NGO, University, HR organization, or other relevant entity to apply for and if successfully considered, to develop joint projects co financed by The European Social Fund in accordance to The Sector Operational Program Human Resources Development (SOPHRD) 2007-2013 priority axis 6 promoting social inclusion.

Specifically we consider, but not limit ourselves at :
  • Exchange of good practices and transfer of expertise for inclusion and employment of redundant national security system personnel;
  • Develop and support joint programs for promoting employment among redundant national security system personnel;
  • Identifying good practices and exchange experience on training adaptation to new technologies to improve access to education and on the labor market.